Hygienist - preventative dental therapy for all the family
Prevention is the best way to protect your dental health. We want to help every
member of your family avoid future dental work by ensuring we catch problems early.
Key preventative services
- Polishing and teeth whitening
- Scaling and Periodontal treatment
- Applying fluoride treatments to the teeth
- Fillings using amalgam, composite, or any other direct filling material
- Taking radiographs
- Refixing loose crowns or bridges
- Local anaesthetic injections
Preventative dental therapy
Our hygienists and dental team members are here to help you understand how your lifestyle and behavior affects the health of your teeth and gums. Prevention is a priority, so we use a variety of resources and visual aids to explain the process of how plaque build-up leads to decay and eventually causes gum disease.
There is one very effective way you can avoid spending a lot of time in the dental chair - make sure you see the dentist at least twice a year.
Our expert diagnostic exams, including careful evaluation of digital X-rays and professional cleaning with special instruments, can help our dentists spot small areas of concern. When we catch contained areas of decay, we are able to apply conservative dental treatments (such as dental fillings or bonding) to protect against deep cavities and damaging decay. You should also make sure you work hard with brushing and flossing at home and call the dentist if you experience pain, soreness, a loose tooth, or other dental problems.
Our dental teams also perform oral cancer screenings during each checkup to ensure your mouth is free of abnormal growths or precancerous lesions.
Dental hygienists work closely with the dentist to complete prescribed treatment on referral.
Teeth Cleaning
We are able to offer cosmetic teeth cleaning as an elective private procedure with a dental hygienist. Unfortunately the NHS does not fund cosmetic procedures, including cosmetic cleaning of the teeth. Your NHS examination appointment with the dentist will usually last for 15 or 20 minutes. If the dentist needs to plan further treatment for you, a second appointment will usually be booked. The NHS covers any necessary cleaning of your teeth and this will usually include removal of any hard scale deposits on your teeth if these are causing gum problems.
If you are concerned about the cosmetic appearance of your teeth, or are in the habit of seeing a hygienist regularly, you may wish to also book a longer private appointment with our hygienists.
A half-hour private hygienist appointment at Essex Family will cost £65 and includes thorough hand and mechanical cleaning of the teeth and the removal of surface staining (eg from smoking or tea/coffee) by polishing.
If your check-up is due, or you are a new patient, then you may wish to book linked appointments with the dentist and the hygienist. The total cost of a NHS check-up followed by a private Hygienist appointment will be £88.80.

- You may find additional information about Essex Family on the Principals and Partners pages of this site